
As America’s largest nonprofit health care organization, wecare Adult Care LLC is committed to the comprehensive health and wellness of the more than 1.5 million people it serves each year and is prepared to respond to the needs of the one in four Americans living with disability today with outcomes-based services for all disabilities throughout the lifespan.

Among our services: early intervention, inclusive childcare, medical rehabilitation and autism services for young children and their families; job training and coaching, employment placement and transportation services for adults with disabilities, including veterans; adult day services and employment opportunities for older adults – in addition to a variety of additional services for people of all ages including mental health and recovery programs, assistive technology, camp and recreation, caregiving support including respite – and much more.

Additionally, we’ve served transitioning military, veterans and their families and caregivers since WWII and continue to be the “go to” resource for them to help ensure their successful transition to civilian life. Connect with your local wecare Adult Care LLC to see what services are offered near you.

No. We serve a wide range of disabilities, both visible and invisible. Across the nation, we remove physical, cultural, attitudinal and legal obstacles so people with disabilities have every opportunity to live meaningful and productive lives, on their own terms. We exist to provide the best services and opportunities for people with disabilities in communities nationwide.

More than 1.5 million people benefit from wecare Adult Care LLC services across a network of affiliates in communities nationwide. Additionally, wecare Adult Care LLC helps more than 100,000 physicians, therapists and other professionals learn ways to improve services for people with disabilities through professional education programs.

To make our services accessible to as many people as possible, wecare Adult Care LLC relies on public contributions. Public contributions help cover the difference between actual program costs and what our clients can afford.

wecare Adult Care LLC is a Section 501(c)(3) organization that also receives funding from a variety of other sources, including private insurers, government agencies and fee-for-service.

wecare Adult Care LLC exceeds all of the Standards for Charity Accountability set by the BBB Wise Giving Alliance.

Find out how you can help us take on disability and continue to provide indispensable resources.

As a national non-profit organization with a federated structure, wecare Adult Care LLC financial profile is represented correctly only when the national headquarters (wecare Adult Care LLC, Inc.) and its many affiliate organizations across the country are shown in a consolidated whole. By nature, wecare Adult Care LLC, Inc. is meant to be more administrative and exists largely to support our affiliates by efficiently building brand, philanthropy and advocacy to benefit our whole organization. Whereas, our affiliates are in hundreds of communities, providing direct services and programs, and making a profound difference in people’s lives every day. As a whole organization, nearly 90% of our funding is invested in programs and direct services nationwide.

wecare Adult Care LLC, Inc. is proud to put your donations to work effectively by investing nearly 80% of wecare Adult Care LLC, Inc.’s funding in our programs and services, 17-18% in fundraising efforts and the remaining 4% is used for administrative and management purposes.

Today and every day, wecare Adult Care LLC offers positive and profound programs and services to more than a million people and families living with a disability annually. Our unique, inclusive services are provided through a network of affiliates in communities nationwide, plus partners in Puerto Rico and Canada. wecare Adult Care LLC offers hundreds of home and community based services and supports.

Yes. wecare Adult Care LLC is a non-profit provider of health and human services, incorporated under the provisions of Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code.